The OmniFocus 4 Field Guide "Task Management Systems and Strategy" starts in 2 hours

Hello friend,

The Task Management Systems and Strategy session will get started in two hours. Call details are below.

We hope to see you there.

Your pal,


P.S. If you are unable to attend the live session, you can watch the video once it's been edited and added to the course.


O4FG Webinar #5 - Task Management Systems and Strategy

Monday July 15 at 10:00 Pacific

Zoom Call Details

Download calendar event

David Sparks (MacSparky)

In a world where technology is increasingly conspiring to steal our focus and attention, my goal is to teach you how to be more productive with Apple technology. I want to help you achieve what is most important to you and enjoy your life at the same time using technology instead of becoming another one of its victims. Pretty much everything I make points at that North Star. I believe in this message so much that I’ve staked my livelihood on it.

Read more from David Sparks (MacSparky)

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